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t i t l e s - d e s c r i p t i o n - ( c o m p a c t   d i s c s )
sectio aurea:ombient
space patrol:ombient w/chuck van zyl
rituals:chuck van zyl
cenotaph:chuck van zyl
memoryspace:chuck van zyl
ambient elsewhere:the ministy of inside things
contact point:the ministy of inside things
everlasting moment:the ministy of inside things
the gatherings:various artists
regeneration mode:chuck van zyl and peter gulch
t i t l e s - d e s c r i p t i o n - ( c a s e t t e s )
io:chuck van zyl
available space:art cohen
europa:chuck van zyl
the sound museum:xisle
barriers:the nightcrawlers
facets:various artists
ganymede:chuck van zyl
the xyl file:chuck van zyl
the formation of dreams:dave lunt
wirehead:art cohen
a dark hour for history:kolab
cybernetic dancing:synbion
the space age:xisle
the moment of totality:chuck van zyl
real time:art cohen
novins 2:xisle
aural explorers:xisle
quantum:d andrew rath
eternity's engine:xisle
perchance to dream:xisle
callisto:chuck van zyl
t i t l e s - d e s c r i p t i o n - ( v i n y l )
shadows of light:the nightcrawlers
the nightcrawlers:the nightcrawlers

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